Direct Mail and Inserts Advertising

Direct Mail

83% of door drop items are opened, read, or filed (JICMAIL Q2 2018 Q2 2020)

A door drop item puts a brand message straight into the homes of new and existing customers and drives high levels of engagement.

A direct mail advertising piece can reach you in many ways:

  • Royal Mail Door to Door Distribution (delivered by your postman) – Royal Mail remains the most reliable way to deliver a leaflet or brochure direct through a customer’s door. We can plan campaigns based on lifestyle attributes, through Mosaic, ACORN, or People UK. We also have the facility to data profile customer databases on records over 1,000, so we can further tailor a campaign.
  • Independent Team distribution – We allocate a team of distributors to deliver your leaflets to the desired postcode areas relevant to you campaign. These deliveries can be tracked by GPS.
  • Magazine Inserts – We can insert leaflets into national magazines or into smaller local magazines. This can be a cost-effective way to distribute to your customers.
  • National or Regional Newspaper insert – National Press inserts are effective and great for brand association. You can also egionalise national press inserts into a wholesale area which means, for example, you can have a leaflet in the Sunday Times magazine, go out in just Reading. Regional press decline means there are less titles to access but in areas that still have a
    strong local readership, it is a great way to access a regional audience and is good for smaller budgets.
  • Direct Mail – We can also look after the purchase of data and all mailing and fulfilment for direct mail campaigns.


  • In media and advertising, inserts are promotional materials that can be easily slipped into newspapers, magazines, brochures and more.
  • While everyone seems to know what inserts are and there is often a misconception they do not work and are commonly thrown away or overlooked. This is very far from the truth and in fact, they are a very successful multi-million-pound industry.
  • We can prove inserts help to drive sales, promote brand awareness, are very cost-effective and crucially, are highly measurable. Inserts can form part of a standalone operation or be integrated with a larger multimedia campaign.
  • We help determine the target audience and the best route for the campaign. We also look to provide feedback on creative design based on our expertise and experience in this sector; design will have a significant impact on results, so is important not to be ignored. Additionally, we can source printing options for clients if required.
  • Finally, we make ensure the entire campaign is properly managed, so printing is done on time, all is delivered correctly, and delivery instructions and certificates of insertion are collated and cross-checked. All of this ensures the activity runs efficiently and smoothly.

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