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In an age where digital advertising seems to be the go-to strategy for many brands, the relevance of traditional Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising has often been questioned. However, our latest report reveals that OOH is not just surviving but thriving, thanks to cutting-edge technologies like digital real estate and interactive installations.

How Digital Billboards are Revolutionising the OOH Space

AI-Driven Personalisation

Digital billboards are no longer just static displays; they are becoming increasingly intelligent. With the integration of AI, these billboards can now display personalised content based on real-time data. For example, a billboard near a busy shopping centre might display ads for a nearby restaurant around lunchtime. This level of personalisation was previously only possible in online advertising but is now making its way into the OOH space.

Automation in OOH Advertising

Japan has been a pioneer in automating OOH advertising. In Tokyo, digital billboards are programmed to display specific ads based on the time of day, weather conditions, and even the types of vehicles that pass by. This level of automation ensures that the ads are not just relevant but also timely.

The Role of Interactive Installations in Consumer Engagement

Experiential Marketing

Interactive installations are taking OOH advertising to the next level by engaging all five senses. Brands are creating immersive experiences that allow consumers to interact with the product or service being advertised. For example, a perfume brand might set up an interactive installation that not only displays the perfume but also releases its scent when someone walks by.

Holograms and Augmented Reality

The use of holograms and augmented reality in interactive installations is adding a ‘wow’ factor that captures consumer attention. These technologies can create life-like experiences that are not only visually stunning but also highly engaging.

Why OOH Remains a Potent Medium in the Digital Age

Cutting Through the Digital Clutter

In a world bombarded with digital ads, OOH advertising, particularly static billboards, offers a refreshing change. They provide advertisers with a 100% share of voice and have the ability to cut through the digital noise. According to a 2022 report from the Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA), over half of consumers who live in big cities notice more OOH messaging and signage today than they were pre-pandemic.

Influencing Consumer Behaviour

Research has shown that OOH advertising, especially static billboards, has a profound influence on consumer behaviour. Studies reveal that 57% of UK consumers notice printed advertising in venues such as retail stores, restaurants, and petrol stations, and 42% report that OOH ads directly impact their in-person shopping decisions.


The digital age has not made OOH advertising obsolete; rather, it has provided it with the tools to evolve and stay relevant. Digital billboards and interactive installations are leading this transformation, making OOH a potent medium for consumer engagement and brand visibility.